
The foundation for this assessment is based on the ground-breaking work of Dr. Robert S. Hartman. Soon after creating a mathematical way to measure how people think, Professor Hartman passed away. His method, which earned him a Nobel Prize nomination before he died in 1973, identifies an individual’s strengths and uniqueness.

As part of his legacy, the Mindscan assessment has stood the test of time as an instrument more powerful and unlike any other on the market by measuring the elements so critical to success in today's environment. Your results will not place you into a labeled group, rather it will reveal your uniqueness as an individual and give you a glimpse into how your mind subconsciously structures your thoughts. The first step is to understand how you think; the second step is to utilize the power of the information. Applied effectively, you will reap results in your personal development and your professional career.

The MindScan Profile requires each participant to compare 18 phrases within 2 unique sets. The results will create your Hartman Value Profile (HVP).